Contamination @ JPB
Johnson Poole & Bloomer has a long track record of assisting land owners, site operators and potential land purchasers to assess their current environmental risks and liabilities and provide services to monitor, control and positively manage such issues.
Services can vary from an initial pre-acquisition Desk Study to the design, specification and supervision of full remediation of heavily contaminated land.
Stage 1 – Desk Study and Land Quality Appraisals.
Stage 2 – Site Investigations, Remediation Strategies and Completion Reports.
Ground Investigation design, supervision and interpretation.
Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessments:
- Human health using CLEA, Risc4, etc.
- Groundwater using R&D20, Consim, etc.
Advice on significant Risks and Liabilities.
Cost-to-treat estimates.
Liaison with regulatory bodies and obtaining formal consents.
Development of remediation contract documents.
Remediation design assessment and review.
Supervision of remedial works.
Production of Completion and Validation reports.
Advice and assistance with available tax Incentives to offset remediation costs.
Land Condition Reports.
Ground Gas Emissions monitoring and assessments.